Saturday, March 26, 2016

"ART" in Imperial Beach

ART. Many of us like to think we are artists; those of us that attempt to be artists are rarely commercially successful; and almost all of us that actually get our hands dirty doing it reap rewards that stick with us the rest of our lives. Our refrigerators are covered with the art of our children and grandchildren. Our scrapbooks are filled with these treasured gifts that inspire us, make us smile and bring back to mind irreplaceable memories in our hearts and minds that we would not trade for all the gold in Fort Knox. The spontaneous joy, laughter and tears we enjoy just knowing how profoundly we have touched other peoples lives, I find, difficult to describe. ART.

Looking West
To be among the few that actually get to share art publicly, for the world to see and enjoy, is something of a bucket list item for me. I have made my attempts over the years to be an artist but nothing has really stuck. When I stumbled on this "ART" monument in Imperial Beach California, just south of San Diego, it intrigued me. An art monument celebrating "ART." Cleaver, mesmerizing, quiet and loud. I would love to know how many people walk past this monument without ever realizing it exists. I'm sure that many people look at these squiggly poles and wonder what they are all about. They are about you; they are about ART.  Enjoy!

Looking NorthEast

Looking North

Looking Southwest

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