Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Emma and Tita


This is an unusual post for me but one that I felt was necessary. The family of my good friend and work mate recently suffered a tragedy. As long as I've known Sergio I have heard of his daughter and granddaughter. Hearing Sergio speak of his family, how close they are and how much he obviously loved these two was inspiring to me. When our office would go out for a birthday lunch and enjoy the camaraderie of food and drink away from the office we would undoubtedly raise our glasses to Sergio's granddaughter. It was all in good fun and cheer and it was real.

Early one morning a couple of weeks ago the phone rang with a tragic message. Sergio's daughter and granddaughter were in a fatal accident. Both were killed. My heart sank and I'm still in pain for my friend. I can't begin to imagine what her husband and son must be going through; how profoundly their lives have surely changed.

The link below is to a gofundme. If you feel so inclined to help with a few dollars, your gift will be appreciated. Please share this post so that more people may be given the opportunity to help. These kind of things always happen to someone else, another family. It's always been a black and white headline in the newspaper and while I read the words they really don't mean much except to send the message that some people somewhere are hurting. This tragedy has touched my life, so I must write about it and do what I can to help.

Thank you sharing these few moments with me. For Emma and Tita, Sergio and his family.

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