I, personally, enjoy the walk North of the caves. I find it peaceful, relaxing and serene.
Hundreds of pelicans make their homes on the sandstone cliffs above The Cove, side-by-side with cormorants. The beaches and caves at the waters edge are frequently filled with seals and sea lions. I'm told that the waters to the north of The Cove at certain times of the year are filled with Leopard Shark. They use this area to raise their young. The person that told me about this happened to be swimming between La Jolla Cove and La Jolla Shores one day and at just the right, or wrong, moment depending on how you look at it, he looked down to see the ocean floor covered with these beautiful Leopard Shark. Here is a link to a Huffington Post, HuffPost Travel, article that provides a more in-depth look at these shark.
San Diego. The first year that I lived here I noticed that there is something blooming here all year round. In fact, Strelitzia, commonly called Bird of Paradise, are at their best from late Fall to Spring in San Diego. The narrow leaf species can be found quite literally everywhere around San Diego. My neighbor has a pot of these on her deck. The Giant species, and I do mean GIANT, grow up to 30 feet tall. The first time I saw one of these it was hard to imagine that this gigantic plant was a bird-of-paradise. I've never actually measured one but he blooms are upward of 12 inches in length.
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