If you want a nice quite walk away from the bustle of the city, don't go to Cowles Mt. I have yet to hike Cowles Mt. when there wasn't a steady stream of walkers, hikers and runners making their way to the top of this mountain.
This pic is looking East out to Santee. It just happened that the marine layer has drifted in this morning. |
Now, your experience with hiking is probably much different than mine and people from all over the world view this blog so depending on other "mountains" that you have hiked or climbed, Cowles may leave you disappointed. Cowles Mt. is the highest, closest mountain to San Diego and without climbing stairs, provides it's hikers with the best scenic workout in San Diego. Best of all, you don't have to go far to get there. Its elevation is only 1,593 feet and you start at 656 feet above sea level. So if you are even in just better than poor shape, you can probably make this 3 mile round trip hike with no problem.
This pic is looking South. Those mountains you see are actually in Mexico. |
If you find the full moon rising as fascinating I do, you may want to try the full moon hike. Start your hike 30 to 60 minutes before dark so that you can get to the top before the moon rises and enjoy the view. I have made this hike several times and would highly recommend it to everyone. The hike back down is almost more spectacular than watching the moon rise. Why? Because all those folks up at the top have to come back down - in the dark. Almost everyone up there is carrying a flashlight to help keep them on the tail on the way back down. As you descend, don't forget to pause and look behind you from time-to-time. A ribbon of lights mark the trail from the top to trailhead. It's truly an amazing sight. It's these fascinating peregrinations that make one want to RetireInSanDiego. Why not you?
Looking North, over the antenas, you can barely make out Mt. Palomar. Another fabulous hiking destination. |
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