Friday, February 12, 2016

San Diego Sunsets

Good evening from San Diego. 

This beautiful sunset Wednesday evening was breathtaking, as are all the sunsets in San Diego. If you go searching the internet for "days of sun in San Diego" you will find many different answers because, well, there are many different answers. For example, if you live in Pacific Beach (PB) or La Jolla you may have significantly fewer days of sun than if you live East of San Diego a few mile, say in Santee or La Mesa. That's because of the phenomenon lovingly referred to as May Grey and June Gloom, which sometimes starts in March and lasts well into July. I'm not a meteorologist but the layman's explanation is that, early in the spring the deserts East of San Diego start to heat up. As they do, the rising heat from the desert pulls the cool marine layer into San Diego. If you happen to be close to the ocean, as I mentioned, sometimes from early March to August you could be in a fog while just a few miles inland it's sun all around. 

Moving to San Diego was the best thing I ever did for myself. RetireInSanDiego? You betcha. The number of beautiful sunsets, whether 146 or 263 days a year, or more, will be debated for some time to come. I tend to be a glass half full kind of guy. Even on those overcast days the sun will peak through the clouds at sunset turning the sky into a crimson fiery glow from the horizon as far East as you can see. When you finally decide to join us, you will see and enjoy this first hand for yourself. See you then.

By the way, that thing that looks like a pole around the middle left of the pic is Sea World.

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